How To Network Effectively On LinkedIn In 2024

Welcome to the exciting world of networking on LinkedIn, where connecting with strangers and bombarding them with generic messages is the norm!

Just joking! 

But seriously…

Are you tired of feeling invisible on the platform? 

Maybe you wanted to level up your networking game and make meaningful connections but you didn’t know where to start. 

Well…Say goodbye to that because in this guide I will share with you steps that you’ll have to take in order to network effectively on LinkedIn in 2024 and beyond.

Ready to dive in?

Key Takeaways

▸ Always follow up with people you networked with on LinkedIn.

▸Avoid sending generic messages and random connection requests. Try to be as personalized as possible.

▸ Be insightful and helpful when networking with people for the first time. Be genuine and don’t pitch them anything.

▸Be prepared to give more than you receive in order to build a solid, trustworthy network.

Step 1: How To Find People To Network With On LinkedIn 

– Browse Recommended Profiles.

Start by browsing the profiles of people you are interested in networking with.

1- Go to your LinkedIn account.

2- If you’re on a desktop click on “My Network” located at the top navigational bar next to the search box.

Click on my network icon on LinkedIn - Desktop

And if you’re on the phone you’ll be able to see “My Network” at the bottom of your screen.

Click on my network icon on LinkedIn - Phone

Then you’ll get a list of people’s profiles with a “Headline” under their names describing their profession. 

list of people’s profiles with a headline describing their profession

Look for people who have similar backgrounds and professions, and preferably the ones who post updates on their profiles frequently such as information about their work, business, or company.

Connect with those people by sending them a personalized connection request letting them know who you are and why you would like to connect

After they accept your connection request, send a follow-up message where you introduce yourself further and ask if they would be willing to jump on a quick call with you online or in person to talk more about the topic you both are interested in.

– Attending Events.

Another great way to find people who share the same interests as you is by attending events.

Attend events organized by leaders in your industry or companies to meet other professionals and make new valuable connections. 

This will help you build relationships and gain insights into what others are doing to succeed in the field you’re interested in.

These kinds of events are usually held and organized by CEOs and Startup Founders.

This means the type of connections you’ll make out of that event might be priceless to you whether you’re an employee or business owner, those people will be helpful at some point in your professional journey.

P.S. In Step #3 I will dive a little deeper into the topic of how to find networking events on LinkedIn.

– The Comment Section.

The last place that I would recommend to build a meaningful network and connections is the comment section.

You can actually find some interesting people in the comment section of other people’s posts.

This will allow you to engage with their comments, which later on can develop into a meaningful connection. 

Here are some steps you can take to find and connect with people through the comment section:

1- Find people, influencers, or brands in the niche, topic, or industry you’re interested in.

  • Enter the keywords of the niche, topic, or industry you’re interested in in the search box of LinkedIn.
  • Filter the results by people, companies, school, language, and location (Depending on your preference).
  • Visit the profiles of those who caught your eye.
  • Check the latest 2 or 3 posts they posted by clicking on “Show All Activities“.
  • Then you’ll see four tabs which are “All Activity – Articles – Posts – Documents” Click on “Posts”.
Posts section on LinkedIn

Your next step is:

2- Leave a comment on their latest posts.

Warning!!! Please avoid these types of comments when commenting on other people’s posts:

  • Great Post!
  • I agree.
  • 100%!!!
  • Well said.
  • Great share!
  • Interesting post! Thanks for sharing.
  • Etc…

That’s boring!!!?

Those kinds of comments are a waste of time, and will not help you to stand out, or actually give a reason for other people who read it to check out your profile and connect with you on LinkedIn.

Instead, you gotta make sure to leave a thoughtful comment (Preferably 2 to 6 sentences) sharing your honest thoughts and opinions about the content posted by that person, influencer, or brand!

3- Engage with people commenting on those influencers/brands’ posts.

Find people who leave a comment where they share their thoughts and ideas about the post.

Respond to their comments continuing from where they left.

Don’t argue with them in case they comment on something you don’t agree with.

Ignore the ones you don’t agree with and move on to the next one that you agree with, and confirm what they have said.

People love it when someone agrees with them and gives them credit which will increase your chances of making that connection happen.

4- Follow up with a connection request.

After exchanging a couple of comments, then you can head to that person’s profile and send them a connection request.

Make sure to attach a message with your connection request.

You can say something like:

Hi (Name)!

Just wanted to reach out to tell you that it was a pleasure sharing with you thoughts about the topic (XYZ) on (Insert the name of the person you commented on his/her post) post.

I appreciate your time!

(Your Name)

5- Rinse and repeat.

Step 2: What To Say When Networking On LinkedIn

The first thing to keep in mind when networking on LinkedIn is to be respectful and thoughtful. 

Please avoid coming across as a creep, needy, or sleazy!

That first impression you give to the people when you reach out to them will be either with you or against you.

So you better make a good impression the first time talking to someone new on LinkedIn.

Don’t pitch your resume, services, or products.

Make it all about them.

Here are some tips to help you find out what you can talk about while networking:

1- Talk about common things you have between you and the new connection you’re trying to make. 

2- Be insightful. 

Share your insights and experiences with those potential connections. 

This will show them that you’re knowledgeable and valuable, and they’ll be more likely to want to connect with you further.

3- Be helpful. 

Don’t be afraid to offer assistance or advice to your connections. 

Not only will this make you look good, but it might also lead them to recommend you for future opportunities.

Step 3: How To Follow Up After Networking On LinkedIn

There are four options that you can use to follow up with people you networked with on LinkedIn:

  • Send a quick email thanking the person for their time and mentioning what you guys have discussed.
  • Send a LinkedIn direct message (DM).
  • Post a valuable and insightful comment on their profile or blog post.
  • Post an update on your profile talking about the conversion you had with that new connection.

    Don’t forget to tag, and thank them for their time at the end of that post.

Check out this article “6 Best Tips on How to Follow Up After Connecting on LinkedIn” which goes deeper into how to follow up with a person you just got connected with on LinkedIn.

Step 4: Networking Events To Attend On LinkedIn

Another way to network on LinkedIn is to attend networking events. 

There are many networking events that are available on LinkedIn. 

The best way to find networking events is to use the search bar on the top left corner and type in “Networking Events”

You’ll get a result similar to this:

How to find networking events on LinkedIn

Click on “See All Events Results” and you’ll see all the networking events that will be available for the next weeks or months.

Browsing events on LinkedIn

There are a variety of different types of networking events that you could attend, so you should be able to find one that will fit your needs and goals.

Here are some networking events to attend on LinkedIn in 2024:

1. Annual Meeting of the Association for Talent Development (ATD). 

This organization is focused on developing talent in the workplace. 

You can find out about upcoming events and speakers here.

2. National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) conference. 

This conference offers expert advice on how to run a successful business. 

You can find out more information, or sign up for email updates before the event date arrives.

Step 5: Get Involved With LinkedIn Groups

Join groups that are relevant to your interests. 

Type in the search box the keyword of the topic or niche you’re interested in.

For example, in my case, I will search for “Marketing Groups”.

Filter results by groups.


Finding specific groups on LinkedIn

You will get a list of groups that talk about whatever you’re in for.

If you have searched but still can’t find a group that suits you, then your best solution is…

Create your own group!

Start inviting people to it by posting an update on LinkedIn letting your connections know that you just created a group for people who are interested in (XYZ) topic.

Joining or building these communities will allow you to connect with other members who share your interests and help you to grow and move forward in the right direction.

Step 6: Be Prepared To Give Back

If networking on LinkedIn is something that interests you, make sure you’re prepared and willing to give back whether it’s helping out a colleague with a task or providing valuable advice, or offering some of your services for free.

Just be sure to offer your assistance whenever possible. 

This will help you build relationships and increase your network’s trustworthiness.

Four Things To Keep In Mind That Will Help You To Network Better On LinkedIn

1- Add a professional photo to your LinkedIn profile. (Avoid selfies).

2- Add a banner/background that describes what you do in one short sentence.

3- Add a description/summary letting people know:

  • Who you are.
  • What you do.
  • How you can help them.
  • Call to action. Give people a clue of what they should do next after reading your description.

4- Post frequent content that educates people about your profession/industry.

Final Thoughts: How To Network Effectively On LinkedIn In 2024

Networking is about building relationships, not just finding job opportunities or business partners.

When you network on LinkedIn, be sure to focus on building relationships and trust. 

Show that you are interested in the other person and ask genuine questions to get to know them better. 

Always be prepared to give and receive feedback.

Make them feel like you’re the person to count on when it comes to that particular business, skill, or education you offer.

This is what will take your networking to the next level…A group of helpful people serving each other.

Suggested Read:

If you want to build a solid LinkedIn network from scratch in 2024, make sure to check out the article How To Grow Your LinkedIn Network In (2024): A Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Networking On LinkedIn Help Me Find A Job?

Yes, networking on LinkedIn along with having a complete profile will increase your visibility on the platform which will help companies, recruiters, and hiring managers find you much more easily and possibly reach out to you to get interviewed for a job.

What Are The Benefits Of Networking On LinkedIn As A Student?

Networking on LinkedIn as a student can really pay off!

You can make:

– Valuable connections with other students, professionals, and experts in your field and learn from their experiences.

– Build a professional online presence and network.

– Discover job and internship opportunities.

Overall, networking on LinkedIn as a student can provide you with a wealth of benefits that can help you launch your career.

What Steps I Should Take To Network Effectively On LinkedIn?

– Complete your profile.

– Post content frequently.

– Send personalized connection requests.

– Follow up with connections through DMs.

– Engage with the posts/content of your connections.

– Join relevant private groups.

– Attend networking events.


about the author

I've been helping people to get their businesses noticed online, and grow their presence on LinkedIn full-time for almost 5 years. My 2 kids made me fall in love with the "Baby Shark" song. I'm also "FC Barcelona Fan", "Ruthless Blogger" and a "Secret Agent" on LinkedIn.

Get to know me more Here