How To Grow Your LinkedIn Network In (2024): A Step-By-Step Guide For Newbies

Are you tired of being left out of all the exclusive LinkedIn group chats and events?

Do you dream of having a network so large it crashes the LinkedIn servers?

Well, my friend, your dreams are about to come true with our detailed guide on ‘How To Grow Your LinkedIn Network In 2024‘.

Just follow our easy beginner-friendly steps and before you know it, you’ll be the envy of all your LinkedIn friends (or at least, the ones you don’t actually know).

Let’s get this LinkedIn party started!?

Key Takeaways

Step 1: Fill Out And Complete Your LinkedIn Profile.

1- Add A Photo And Banner To Your LinkedIn Profile.
2- Add A Link To A Website.
3- Add A Link To A College Or University.
4- Add A Description.
5- Add Your Contact Information.
6- Add Skills, Work Experience, And Accomplishments.

Step 2: Use Keywords In Your Profile.

Step 3: Add LinkedIn Connections Within Your Industry.

Step 4: Add LinkedIn Connections Out Of Your Industry.

Step 5: Share Content Educating People About Your Industry.

▸ Step 6: Start Discussions In The Comments Thread.

▸ Step 7: Engage With Your LinkedIn Network.

Step 8: Build Relationships Through Direct Messages.

Step 9: Join Relevant Groups.

Step 10: Use LinkedIn Ads.

Step 1: Fill Out And Complete Your LinkedIn Profile

You definitely want to see that great mark of “All-Star profile” Right??

1- Add A Photo And Banner To Your LinkedIn Profile.

The very first step that you need to take in order to complete your LinkedIn profile is to make sure that you have a photo of yourself with a banner that describes your education, maybe your profession, or your business in one sentence.

Nobody will connect with you if your LinkedIn profile is completely anonymous.

Having a photo and banner will build more trust with those people who might visit your profile which will increase your chances to connect with them more easily.

P.S. You can use Canva to create a beautiful LinkedIn banner within minutes!

Learn How To Create A LinkedIn Banner That Looks Great Both On Mobile And Desktop

2- Add A Link To A Website.

The next step is to add your website if you are a business owner or a link to the company you’re currently working with if you’re an employee.

If you’re still a student then you can just go ahead and your college.

3- Add A Link To A College Or University.

You have been to college or university?


Great, make sure you add a link to it as well.

Linking to your college will put you a step ahead to connect with people who attended the same university you attended in the past.

4- Add A Description.

Adding a detailed description of yourself will help people to get to know who you are, what you do, and how you can help them achieve their goals through your profession or services.

Detailed Description On LinkedIn

Add a CTA (Call-To-Action) at the bottom of your description leading readers to a website or other online profiles where they can learn more about you.

Call To Action At The End Of LinkedIn Description

5- Add Your Contact Information.

Make it easy for people to get in touch with you by adding contact information, whether that be an email, phone number, or physical address to your office.

6- Add Skills, Work Experience, And Accomplishments.

And last but not least you can add key skills, work experience, and accomplishments to your profile so potential connections can see what you are capable of.

When you finally complete your LinkedIn profile, you’ll be able to build a strong network of professionals who know you and trust you.

Believe me, my friend, being completely anonymous won’t help you grow a valuable LinkedIn network.

Step 2: Use Keywords In Your Profile

When you create a LinkedIn profile, it is important to include keywords in your headline, and in your description.

Including keywords in your LinkedIn profile will help you stand out from the competition and will make it easy for people to find you when they type those certain keywords in the search box of LinkedIn.

In other words, the more keywords you have the more chances that people will find your LinkedIn profile when they search for professionals with similar interests. 

Just make sure to not overdo it or otherwise, you will end up spamming your entire profile and making it seem unnatural.

Only add those keywords where and when they make sense.

Add Keywords In Your LinkedIn Profile

Suggested Read:

You’re not sure how to network effectively on LinkedIn without being pushy or spammy. Check out this article How To Network Effectively On LinkedIn In 2024

Step 3: Add LinkedIn Connections Within Your Industry

Start by identifying the industries that are relevant to you.

Next, search for people who are engaged in those industries.

Finally, send personalized connection requests to those individuals on LinkedIn and try your best to engage them in conversation.

As you do this, you will be on your way to building a strong LinkedIn network based on influential people in your industry who might be a good source of help in the future.

How To Build A Network Of Quality Connections

Step 4: Add LinkedIn Connections Out Of Your Industry

As we stated in the step above, LinkedIn is a great way to connect with people in your industry or field of interest.

However, if you want to expand your LinkedIn network beyond your current industry, you can do so by adding connections from other sectors or industries.

For example, if you are a marketer, you could add connections in marketing and advertising, as well as business development and customer service.

This step will help you create relationships with individuals from various industries and gain a better knowledge and understanding of what they do and how it might benefit your business or career down the road.

Step 5: Share Content Educating People About Your Industry

What is the best way to introduce yourself to people and educate them about what you do and how you do it?

The answer is:

Sharing insightful content!

Sharing Insightful LinkedIn Content

Sharing content on LinkedIn that educates people about your industry is a great way to establish yourself as an expert in your field and at the same time will help you grow your network.

It can also help you build connections and gain credibility within your industry.

This content can come in many forms, such as blog posts, articles, videos, or infographics.

Offering valuable and informative content can help others learn more about your industry and potentially attract new business or career opportunities.

Step 6: Start Discussions In The Comments Thread

You can build your LinkedIn network by starting discussions in the comments thread of your connections’ posts with people from different industries, across the whole world.

Participating in discussions will help you build rapport and eventually will lead to great relationships.

The best way to do this is by following popular people in your industry on LinkedIn who post new content on a daily basis, and your role is to comment on their latest posts and engage with other people who commented on those posts as well.

Starting a conversation in the comments section will give you the chance to connect with new people who share your interests and vision.

Interacting with other people in the comment section is considered one of the best starting points to network on LinkedIn and make connections for future business opportunities.

Step 7: Engage With Your LinkedIn Network

Through engaging with your network, you can learn about new opportunities and make connections that can lead to business or career growth.

On LinkedIn, all the posts, topics, and industries are broken down into groups called “Hashtags”

This means that if you’re looking for a connection in your industry, you can start by searching for hashtags related to that specific industry, then reach out to people who might be sharing the same interests as you within those hashtags.

Hashtags Research On LinkedIn

Step 8: Build Relationships Through Direct Messages

By reaching out to others through direct messages (DMs), you can have more personalized and in-depth conversations, which can help to build trust and foster relationships.

When you’re on LinkedIn sending DMs, it’s important to be genuine and authentic in your communication.

Start by introducing yourself and explaining why you are reaching out.

You could also ask questions or offer assistance to show that you are interested in building a relationship.

In addition, be sure to follow up on conversations and continue to engage with the person over time.

Follow these tips whenever you’re starting a conversation with someone on LinkedIn:

  • Open up a new message conversation with someone you want to connect with.
  • Don’t try selling them anything.
  • Introduce yourself and give them a clear idea of who you are and what you’re interested in.
  • Ask questions about their work or life and listen carefully for responses.
  • Follow up with a question or two of your own to continue building rapport. 
  • Keep in touch, and be persistent if the other person isn’t immediately receptive.
  • You can always reach out to them a week later going through the whole steps mentioned above.

Step 9: Join Relevant Groups 

LinkedIn groups are a great way to connect with like-minded professionals on LinkedIn.

Here are our best tips when it comes to joining groups on LinkedIn:

  • Browse the group’s listing and find the topics that interest you.
  • Put a list of what you want to get and learn from the group you’re planning to join.
  • Research the group’s members before joining. Look for LinkedIn profiles that match your interests and skills, and be sure to add them as connections on LinkedIn if you’re impressed by their work or recommend their group to colleagues.
  • Start participating actively, and make sure to build relationships with other members and show them that you are a valuable asset to their network.

Step 10: Use LinkedIn Ads

The last step you should consider to grow your LinkedIn network is:

LinkedIn Ads!

LinkedIn Ads Campaign Dashboard

Running ads on daily basis can help you reach new followers, get more profile views and attract qualified leads and clients.

Here’s a brief, simple step-by-step process that you can follow when you’re using LinkedIn Ads:

  1. Select the target audience that you want to reach.

  2. Define the message you want to communicate to your target audience.

  3. Choose the ad format that best suits your goals and budget.

  4. Create a catchy headline and description, and ensure to include keywords in your ad copy.

  5. Place your ads on relevant pages and groups, and be sure to add a link back to your website or profile page in the ad copy.

  6. Add a clear CTA (Call-To-Action) letting people know what action they need to take after they consume your ad content.

Conclusion: How To Grow Your LinkedIn Network In 2024

And there you have it, folks!

Now with the guidelines listed above, you can have a massive network full of people you’ve never even met.

Just follow our simple steps and you’ll be well on your way to having the most impressive LinkedIn profile on the block.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help, and keep in mind that networking is key to success.

And at the end of the day…Growing a successful LinkedIn Network is not all about the number of how many connections you have, it’s about the quality of those connections.

So what are you waiting for?

Go out there and start growing your LinkedIn network today!?

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Best Practices To Grow My LinkedIn Network?

– Fill out and complete your LinkedIn profile.

– Use keywords in your profile.

– Add LinkedIn connections within your industry.

– Add LinkedIn connections out of your industry.

– Share content educating people about your industry.

– Start discussions in the comments thread.

– Engage with your LinkedIn network.

– Build relationships through direct messages.

– Join relevant groups.

– Use LinkedIn ads.

What Are The Most Common Mistakes To Avoid When Growing My LinkedIn Network?

Some of the most common mistakes to avoid when growing your LinkedIn network includes sending generic or impersonal connection requests, neglecting to regularly update your profile, and not actively participating in discussions or sharing relevant content.

What Are Some Tips For Networking On LinkedIn During A Job Search?

Some tips for networking on LinkedIn during a job search include:

– Building your network before you start your job search.

– Ask your network for informational interviews.

– Creating a personal brand by highlighting your skills and qualifications on your profile.

– Building a relationship with recruiters or hiring managers by engaging with their posts or reaching out to them directly.

How Often Should I Post On LinkedIn In Order To Grow My Network?

The frequency of your posts on LinkedIn depends on your personal and professional goals, but it is generally recommended to post at least once a week to stay active and engage with your network.


about the author

I've been helping people to get their businesses noticed online, and grow their presence on LinkedIn full-time for almost 5 years. My 2 kids made me fall in love with the "Baby Shark" song. I'm also "FC Barcelona Fan", "Ruthless Blogger" and a "Secret Agent" on LinkedIn.

Get to know me more Here